Basic Malay

The official language in Kuala Lumpur is Bahasa Melayu, or Malay. Along with this language, English is widely understood, though your accent can be a barrier.

Here’s a short, basic list of rules and phrases you should learn in Malay if you’re traveling to a Kuala Lumpur:

Basic Grammar

In basic form, the Malay language is very simple. There is no tense, and tones do not vary to give different meaning. There are also no articles (a, an), difference in gender or the notion of “am”, “is”, “are”, “was” or “were”.

So I am Ali becomes Saya Ali.

For past tense, the notion of time is simply indicated by using the word ‘already (sudah)’ for past.


Many words are pluralized by saying them twice. So, fruit is ‘buah’ and fruits is ‘buah-buah’.


In most parts, words are pronounced as they are spelt and the sound is the same as in English.

But there are expections :-

1. The word ‘a’ is pronounced ‘ar’ as in jar.

2. The word ‘e’ is pronounced ‘er’ as in ‘ago’. Sometimes more like ‘a’ as in ‘may’

3. The word ‘c’ is pronounced as ‘ch’ as in ‘chair’


• I ….. Saya

• You ….. Awak

• He/She ….. Dia

• They ….. Mereka


• How are you? ….. Apa khabar?

• Fine, thank you ….. Baik, terima kasih

• My name is ….. Nama saya

Common Courtesies

• Please ….. Tolong

• Excuse Me ….. Maafkan saya

• Sorry ….. Maaf

• Thank You ….. Terima Kasih

• You’re Welcome ….. Sama-sama

• Yes ….. Ya

• Tidak ….. No


• How Much? ….. Berapa harga?

• Lower the price ….. Kuranglah sikit


• Tasty ….. Sedap

• Less spicy ….. Kurang pedas

• This ….. Ini

• That ….. Itu

• Toilet ….. Tandas

Everyday Situation

• May I know? ….. Boleh saya tahu?

• Where is the toilet? ….. Di mana tandas?

If Your Language Skills Are Minimal

• I don’t know Malay ….. Saya tak tahu Bahasa Melayu

• Do you speak English? ….. Awak tahu Bahasa Inggeris?

Useful language Apps in Kuala Lumpur

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