Gurney Drive


Craving for hawkers food for dinner or supper?

This place is well known for its hawkers.

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If you crave for local street food — an Indian rojak, a Chinese curry or Malay satay at night, this is one of the place you could consider.

If you want to shop, there’s Gurney Plaza and Gurney Paragon. And these are within walking distance of the hawker area.

As a bonus, you get to feel the cool wind by the sea.


1. The food area here is divided into two — the halal and non halal section.

2. Because this is a major tourist spot after sunset, the food quality is below the Penang standard. Come here to check the scene and the view, not the food.

3. This area is opened from dusk till late at night.

4. Parking is a headache. But you could park at the Gurney Plaza and stroll here.